Application process for Public audit Graduate at Deloitte

Tasha Deane

Online Application

This will take around an hour to complete. It requires you to fill out your educational career, contact details and industry experiences. You may be asked about your personal interests such as hobbies and questions relating to your activities. You will be asked to submit your CV too.

Expect an immediate response before progressing to the next stage.

Online Tests

This is an online test which focuses on three sections, situational judgement, numerical reasoning and a psychometric test. The test is not timed, so you can afford to spend as much time as you need completing the activity. However, you will be allocated a 5-day window to complete the entire task. For Tasha, she thought this stage was much longer than expected, but she used her time wisely, answering questions carefully and staying focused.

Situational judgement

This part of the test will take around one hour to complete, containing 20 questions for you to answer. When you are logged in on the test, questions will be in text form on the screen, along with video and audio clips to demonstrate the situation.

Example task

A typical question for the situational judgement section would be “Someone is using their work pass, but they are using it for traveling outside of work.” You will have an option of answers to choose from.

How to respond for success

Imagine yourself as an employee at Deloitte and keep in mind their core values. Putting yourself inside the scenario will allow you to focus more clearly on what Deloitte would expect you to do.

Numerical reasoning

For the second part of the immersive online assessment, you will have a numerical reasoning test to complete. Again, there is no time limit on this section so you can take all the time you need. You will be given a series of mathematical problems which will be framed with a description of a situation for context.

Example task

Typical numerical reasoning questions will include percentage changes.

How to respond for success

To maximise your scores, you will have to apply logic to the questions with context. They will not always be as straightforward as mathematics. Read through the context of the problem carefully and make sure you have all the details of the situation understood before you approach the maths. Remember, you have all the time in the world to take this test so there is no need to rush.

Psychometric test

This is a short section of the immersive online assessment, featuring a series of slide bar questions. You will be asked a question based on your character and you have to slide a marker on a spectrum scale to align with your own opinion of the question.

Example task

A typical question for the psychometric test would be, “How do you feel about doing a presentation to our colleagues”.

How to respond for success

There is no “success” for this stage, as Deloitte is trying to understand you as a character. There is no right or wrong, however it is important to answer honestly, rather than what your interviewers would want you to answer. This stage is for the firm to understand where you would fit in the company.

Expect a 3-week wait before progressing to the next stage.

Job Simulation

This part of the process is an online test which is broken down in three parts. One part requires you to talk to the camera for your answers. You will listen to pre-recorded questions which are based around the life of a professional on a day to day basis. There are around 8 questions to answer, where you will have 2 minutes to read and prepare, followed by another 3 minutes to reply to each question. For the second part, you will be given scenarios where you have to type response as if you are writing an email as a Deloitte employee. For the third part, you will be asked to rank a series of choices in relation to how you would respond to a particular scenario. Overall, this process took 2 hours to complete.

Example task

A typical question for the job simulation would be “introduce yourself in a way that would build up a good working relationship in the future”. Some questions might relate to recent technology such as AI and FinTech so it is strongly recommended to prepare for this topic.

How to respond for success

Tasha kept eye contact with the camera, spoke at a steady pace and did subtle hand movements to make her response as “human” as possible. At this stage, Deloitte is analysing your interpersonal skills and how approachable you would be as a new team member.

Tasha focused more on the way she presented herself rather than the content of her answers, meaning she could focus on her image as the ideal candidate for Deloitte’s role. Although you have 3 minutes to reply to each question, you are not required to fill this time up. Sometimes, short and concise answers are more effective.

Expect a 3 to 5-week wait before progressing to the next stage.

Final Interview

For the final interview you will receive an invitation to select a day and time to have your interview. Deloitte will provide you with a pack of resources to help you, including information on how to prepare for the interview and what to expect from it. Each of Deloitte’s departments will have different variations of this stage. For Audit, you will not be required to prepare anything beforehand. This stage will take around 1 hour to complete.

This section is very friendly, chatty and informal. Deloitte does not provide the interviewer with any information about you as the candidate meaning that this stage is purely to get to know each other. Tasha had a Deloitte Partner interview her for the role, this might be the case for you too.

Example task

Although this stage is a general conversation, you will also be asked some questions about what you are like as a person and your thoughts of Deloitte as a company for example.

How to respond for success

Demonstrate that you are passionate about the company, their initiatives and that your strengths and weaknesses relate to the core values of the company. For example, Tasha described herself as level headed and empathetic, relating to the core value of integrity. Research into Deloitte's media coverage, sustainability initiatives and other business will help you understand the company better. Tasha demonstrated her willingness to work at the firm, specifically in Audit and showed her interest in getting to know new people by asking questions back to your interviewer.

Typically, the final stage would be a presentation, however, due to the pandemic, Deloitte replaced this with questions relating to how you would approach certain situations at work.

Example task

A typical question could be: “What idea do you have for wellbeing initiatives for people at the company” or “What approach you would take for bringing back the high street”.

How to respond for success

These questions are related to Deloitte’s real-life initiatives and relate to their business activities. The interviewer is looking for how closely your response was to the actual decisions made by Deloitte and your ability to think quickly when providing new ideas or solutions Research into their public initiatives is essential. Tasha kept up to date with the global news and was aware of the current activity in the world by regularly checking the news channels. They are not expecting you to come up with exactly what they did, but rather an indication of your awareness of Deloitte’s corporate message, identity and way of conducting business.

Expect a 1 to 2-week wait before receiving your offer.


There was one online test. It contains a bunch of questions with scenarios and it took in total 1.5 hours to complete.


There was one online test. It contains a bunch of questions with scenarios and it took in total 1.5 hours to complete.

How to respond for success

There was one online test. It contains a bunch of questions with scenarios and it took in total 1.5 hours to complete.

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